Treats for Great-father Winter - Quêtes

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Treats for Great-father Winter

Bring 5 Gingerbread Cookies and an Ice Cold Milk to Great-father Winter in Orgrimmar.


Hey, can you do Great-father Winter a favor, um, little $g boy : girl;?

Not to needlessly talk about myself in the third person, but Great-father Winter has been at this all day and he could use a treat himself. Some gingerbread cookies and ice cold milk to wash them down with would really hit the spot. Think you could be a friend to the Great-father and fetch some for me?


You're quite the helper to ol' Great-father Winter there, <name>. Have a great Feast of Winter Veil.

Here's a little something... you know, for the effort.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Orgrimmar

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