Theldurin the Lost - Quêtes

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Theldurin the Lost

Find Theldurin the Lost.


Theldurin the Lost was once a member of our order, the Twilight's Hammer. But he lost his mind and scorned our teachings. And before he fled from us, he stole the scroll of Myzrael! We could not catch him, but rumors say he hides in the Badlands, gibbering and mad.

To bring the Lady back to us, you must find the scroll. And to do that, you must find Theldurin.


Hello. Hello, hello hello hello hello HELLO!

I'm sorry - wait, no I'm not! Don't be rude!

Oh no...that was crazy talk.

But...sometimes being crazy is my only solace.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1550 experience.
This quest starts at Ironforge and ends at Badlands

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