The Hammer May Fall - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 32
  • Required Level: 30
  • Difficulté : 30 35 38
  • Faction: Horde
  • Start: Tallow
  • End: Drum Fel
  • Races: Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll


The Hammer May Fall

Kill 8 Boulderfist Ogres and 10 Boulderfist Enforcers, then find Drum Fel in the Hammerfall outpost in Arathi Highlands.
Boulderfist Ogre (8) killed
Boulderfist Enforcer (10) killed


Weaklings... all of them. You, <class>, what are you looking at? Think you're something special, huh? Why not prove it?

The Hammerfall outpost in Arathi's under attack. Unless we send them help soon, their demise is imminent.

But before you go rushing off, you may want to test your skills first. Northeast of Stromgarde in Arathi is an ogre mound inhabited by the Boulderfist tribe. When you can handle the ogres and enforcers there, then report to Drum Fel in Hammerfall.


So, you think you're strong enough to help Hammerfall? So be it.

Tallow either sent you to that ogre mound in the hopes that you would kill yourself or he thinks you're strong enough to aid us. Either way, you're here now and I am in need of more soldiers in our fight against the constant attacks.

If you plan on staying in Hammerfall then get some rest, and come speak to me again when you're ready. There's no shortage of fighting to be had.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest starts at Hillsbrad Foothills and ends at Arathi Highlands

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