Drowned Sorrows - Quêtes

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Drowned Sorrows

Captain Steelgut in Faldir's Cove wants you to kill 10 Daggerspine Raiders and 3 Daggerspine Sorceresses.
Daggerspine Raider (10) killed


Argh, 'tis a horrible life. I should be in a watery grave right now, not sittin' here by the fire, breathin' fresh air.

The crew tried so hard to save my beautiful Maiden's Folly. Bless the boys, bless their hearts.

O'Breen made it to shore safely but we weren't so lucky. The seas just sank on us, I swear.

One second we're afloat and the next water is rushin' in. And those beasts! Killed all the survivors. Horrible naga scum. I went black and ended up here, saved.

I want those beasts dead.


Nice work out there, <name>.

Those scum deserved what they got. While nothin' will ever bring me ship or me crew back, the death of those naga gives me some solace.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Arathi Highlands

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