A Host of Evil - Quêtes

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A Host of Evil

Kill 8 Razorfen Battleguard, 8 Razorfen Thornweavers, and 8 Death's Head Cultists and return to Myriam Moonsinger near the entrance to Razorfen Downs.


The Forsaken do not pass on their... illness... from what I have seen. This diplomat seems to be granting undeath to would-be followers. I am beginning to think he is one of the Scourge.

For now, my concern is not with him though, it's with the growing ranks around him. They creep from the shadows daily, almost begging him for more power.

I'm not powerful enough to fight them on my own, <name>. What do you say? Are you up for some hunting?


Thank you, <name>! The work you've done will be a great help, I'm sure.

I will continue my study of this diplomat and the rest of the quilboar here. If you seek greater adventure, I'd find a few friends and head into the cave that looks like a great boar maw just over there. I'm sure once you're inside you'll find greater challenges to face.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 3450 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Thousand Needles

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