The Legend of Stalvan - Quêtes

The Legend of Stalvan

Seek out the Clerk Daltry in the Darkshire Town Hall.


Last night a horrible disturbance rippled through my veins. I sensed that my granddaughter, Alyssa, was in great danger. I consulted the cards and Death stared up at me from the table.

After taking a long journey through a dark trance I was able to uncover a clue to this terrifying mystery. A name came to me, the name of Stalvan.

Seek out the Clerk in the Town Hall and see if you can find out more about this character. I fear for us all.


Ah so Madame Eva sent you....
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 230 experience.
  • 25 reputation with Stormwind
The entirety of this quest happens at Duskwood

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