An Unholy Alliance - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 36
  • Required Level: 28
  • Difficulté : 28 32 34 39 43
  • Type : Dungeon
  • Faction: Horde
  • Start: Varimathras
  • End: Varimathras
  • Races: Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll


An Unholy Alliance

Bring Ambassador Malcin's Head to Varimathras in the Undercity.


Malcin claims he is outside Razorfen Downs. This ambassador must be slain--his mission a failure in the eyes of the Lich King.

His presence there does explain much of what we've discovered about the area--some of the quilboar have grown frightfully powerful while showing signs of the Plague in their own way. Truly that must be a sign of some sort of deal they've struck.

Find Malcin and slay him, <name>. Return to me after the deed is done.


Good. Well done, <class>.

Now that Malcin is dead, we can at least know that the Scourges advances will be halted. The Dark Lady thanks you for your efforts and wishes to reward you with a gift.

Although we do not know the extent of the Scourges influence within the Downs, I am sure we will discover their plots soon enough.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 5250 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Undercity

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