Ripple Recovery - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 48
  • Required Level: 42
  • Difficulté : 42 44 46 51 55
  • Faction: Horde
  • Start: Dran Droffers
  • End: Malton Droffers
  • Races: Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll


Ripple Recovery

Talk to Malton Droffers in Orgrimmar.


I've got some salvage work for you, and if you're an aficionado of fine ripple like I am, then you'll love this task. Ripple!

It's a drink, you dummy.

An abandoned Horde outpost has a stash of Hinterlands Honey Ripple from when they were in business. You can't get fine ripple like that anymore! One of Malton's dummy associates knows the shot, so you'll go out there and bring me a case of packaged ripple, and two for my own collection! Talk to Malton, he'll fill you in on the details.


Oh yeah, about the ripple dad wants! He wants to sell the ripple to a tavern here in Orgrimmar, but we'll get more money if it is in its original packaging. I know someone who can do that, and he's in the Hinterlands where the ripple is. But he's, um, a high elf.

Well, he's a good high elf, as he's not a part of the Alliance. Well, he's not so much a good high elf as he is a drunken high elf. He loves, and I mean LOVES the hooch.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 440 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Orgrimmar

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