The Princess Trapped - Quêtes

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The Princess Trapped

Gather 12 Motes of Myzrael, then bring them to the Iridescent Shards in Drywhisker Gorge.


My name is Myzrael. I am a princess of the earth, and my captors, the giants, have trapped me deep beneath the Arathi Highlands. These crystal shards are the only way I can speak with the surface world.

Please help me. Allies of the giants, the Drywhisker Kobolds, have a shard like this one in their Drywhisker Gorge, to the east. To power the cluster, you must gather Motes of Myzrael from the kobolds and apply them to it.

I beg you, <name>, aid me!


Ah! You activated these shards. Already I feel more myself!

But alas, I am still far from free...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2850 experience.

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