Ride to Ironforge - Quêtes

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Ride to Ironforge

Buy a gryphon to Ironforge from the gryphon master Thorgrum Borrelson, then bring Brock's List to Golnir Bouldertoe in Ironforge.


For just a few coins, one of my gryphons will take you to Ironforge. From there, deliver Brock's list to Golnir Bouldertoe. You'll find him in the Deep Mountain Mining Guild. That's in the Great Forge District of Ironforge, which is right where my gryphon will drop you off!

Speak to me again when you're ready for the journey.


Ah, the lastest list of Brock's best pupils. I have a batch of honorary picks ready to go. I just need to chisel in the names of the students...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest starts at Loch Modan and ends at Ironforge

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