A Bundle of Hides - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 10
  • Required Level: 10
  • Difficulté : 10 13 17
  • Faction: Horde
  • Start: Jahan Hawkwing
  • End: Devrak
  • Race: Tauren


A Bundle of Hides

Bring the Bundle of Hides to the wind rider master Devrak in the Crossroads.


I have a bundle of hides from the animals of the Barrens, and must get them to Thunder Bluff. A colleague there, Ahanu, will use the hides to create leather goods.

Will you take the hides to him for me?

The quickest way to Thunder Bluff is on the back of a wind rider. Bring the bundle of hides to Devrak, our wind rider master in the Crossroads, and speak to him about transport to Thunder Bluff.


If you must take these hides to Thunder Bluff, then you are speaking to the right orc!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at The Barrens

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