Flight to Auberdine - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 10
  • Required Level: 10
  • Difficulté : 10 13 17
  • Faction: Horde
  • Start: Vesprystus
  • End: Laird
  • Race: Night Elf


Flight to Auberdine

Ride a hippogryph to Auberdine from the hippogryph master Vesprystus, then bring Nessa's Collection to Laird.


From Rut'theran, there are two methods of travel to Auberdine: by ferry and by hippogryph. Both are quick and reliable, but if you have not yet flown to Auberdine by hippogryph, then I suggest you do.

It is sound advice to speak with the hippogryph master in every town that has one. Once you speak to the master, you can then fly there from other towns.

Here is Nessa's collection. Speak with me again when you are ready to fly to Auberdine and deliver Nessa's collection to Laird.


A package from Nessa? Thank you, <name>! She told me she would send me samples of the fish caught near Rut'theran village. She thinks they may be very different from the fish caught here...

My! This jawbone is nearly twice the size of the same fish found here. And these scales are as big as a closed fist! Amazing!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 420 experience.
  • 83 reputation with Darnassus
This quest starts at Teldrassil and ends at Darkshore

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