Arachnophobia - Quêtes

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Kill Besseleth and bring Besseleth's Fang to Maggran at Sun Rock Retreat.


Warning: Proceed into Sishir Canyon west of here at your own risk.

Besseleth and her eight-legged children of the forest have claimed this canyon as their webbed lair.

Maggran Earthbinder in Sun Rock Retreat has placed a bounty on Besseleth. Slay her and bring proof of your killing to Maggran; there you will receive your reward for disposing this eight-legged menace.


Good hunting, <name>! Besseleth is an old predator in these parts... I will miss her not. Take this reward as a token for being the forest champion.

Perhaps now many more will travel to Sun Rock Retreat without fearing what lurks in the dark.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest ends at Stonetalon Mountains

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