Bloodfury Bloodline - Quêtes

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Bloodfury Bloodline

Maggran at Sun Rock Retreat wishes you to slay Bloodfury Ripper and bring her remains as proof of your deed.


Limiting the number of Bloodfury Harpies will not be enough. The only true cure for their disease would be to slay their leader, Bloodfury Ripper!

She is all but a queen to those filthy creatures. Slay her and their numbers will surely diminish.

Go back into the Charred Vale and you will find her along the western hills. She will not be easy to vanquish, but the reward will be great.


Already I feel the anger leave me. What will I do with my time? Knowing evil moves near my land kept my thoughts moving, though now they are silent. Perhaps this is a good thing... maybe now I can focus on the good, as all Tauren should.

Please accept this as a reward for your troubles.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Stonetalon Mountains

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