Harpies Threaten - Quêtes

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Harpies Threaten

Maggran Earthbinder in Sun Rock Retreat wants you to slay 7 Bloodfury Harpies, 7 Bloodfury Ambushers, 7 Bloodfury Slayers and 7 Bloodfury Roguefeathers.
Bloodfury Harpy (7) killed
Bloodfury Ambusher (7) killed
Bloodfury Slayer (7) killed


Tauren take pride as the protector of these lands. Undoubtedly you can guess why I am alarmed with the number of harpies that dwell here in Stonetalon.

The Bloodfuries are the source of the increasing number of harpies in Kalimdor; they encroach upon all likes of life preventing the innocent from leaving their boundaries.

I need you to cull the harpies, <name>!


This is most excellent news! Tell me again how you cast fear into the cold hearts of those vile harpies. The Bloodfuries have been dealt a serious blow!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Stonetalon Mountains

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