The Eastern Plagues - Quêtes

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The Eastern Plagues

Scour the Eastern Plaguelands for clues as to the "Blightcaller" and the missing SI:7 agents. If you find any SI:7 Insignias, return them to Flint Shadowmore at Chillwind Camp.


As I said, your first mission is one of reconnaissance. Nothing fancy, <name>. You must travel to the Eastern Plaguelands and look for any clues as to this Blightcaller.

Be on the lookout for information about our missing operatives. We have to assume that they are dead and if they are dead, they must have a corpse... somewhere.

All SI:7 agents carry this insignia.

Bring any of those that you may find back to me.


Rutger. Fredo. Turyen. All... dead...

Where were they? Did you discover any more information about this bastard, the Blightcaller?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 8300 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Western Plaguelands

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