The Captain's Cutlass - Quêtes

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The Captain's Cutlass

Speak with Sprogger.


After I lost my first ship to those giants, I bought another. Named Smotts' Revenge, I filled it with supplies and crew, and set out to find the villains. I found them, but...they beat me. They smashed Smotts' Revenge, killed my second crew and set me on another lifeboat.

This time another of the giants, Negolash, stole my cutlass.

Face Negolash and bring me my cutlass!

Speak with Sprogger. He was my cook on the Smotts' Revenge, and survived the last attack. He can help you find the giant.


Hello hello, <name>. Captain told me you're going after Negolash, eh?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 475 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Stranglethorn Vale

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