The Call to Command - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 60
  • Required Level: 56
  • Faction: Horde
  • End: Varimathras
  • Races: Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll


The Call to Command

Travel to the Undercity and speak with Varimathras.


The order has come down, <class>. Varimathras himself has requested that I send my most 'capable' agents back to the Undercity for a highly sensitive tactical operation.

Unfortunately, my most capable agents were killed over three years ago. In their stead I have a collection of brain dead riff-raff.

Travel to the Undercity at once and report to Varimathras. Do not embarrass me, <class>!


The Grand Crusader sits safely in the Scarlet Bastion while his forces pour into your lands, desecrate your structures and monuments and murder your people.

The Dark Lady has commanded that I deal with this insect once and for all. You will become the instrument of the Forsaken's reckoning.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 675 experience.
  • 10 reputation with Undercity
This quest ends at Undercity

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