Ghost-o-plasm Round Up - Quêtes

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Ghost-o-plasm Round Up

Bring 8 Ghost-o-plasms and the Crate of Ghost Magnets to Hornizz Brimbuzzle in Desolace.


There's a valley to the southeast, the Valley of Bones, haunted by Magram ghosts. Sounds scary, doesn't it? Well think how scary it is to the Magram! If we captured ghost energy from that place, I bet it'd be worth plenty to those centaurs.

Here, take this crate of ghost magnets. If you place one between the two big skeletons in the valley, the Dead Goliaths, then ghosts will wander to it. Distance yourself, take out the ghosts and get their ghost-o-plasm--that's what we'll sell to the Magram.


There it is! Looks like you got some of it on you too. Kinda slimey, eh?

Well, thanks a lot for all the trouble, <name>. This stuff will be worth a fortune... if I can convince the centaurs what it is!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2250 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Desolace

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