The Ranger Lord's Behest - Quêtes

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The Ranger Lord's Behest

Travel to the northern borders of the Eastern Plaguelands and recover the Quel'Thalas Registry. The item is somewhere in the Quel'Lithien lodge.

You must also slay 8 Rangers, 8 Pathstriders, and 8 Woodsmen.
Pathstrider (8) killed
Ranger (8) killed
Woodsman (8) killed


The high elves of the Quel'Lithien lodge possesses something that belongs to me, <class>: A document detailing my life as a mortal.

Before you ask; no, you most certainly are not privy to such information. Just do as I tell you, worm: Recover the registry.

And imbecile, be sure to leave as much strife and grief as possible in your wake. Leave them suffering...


I trust you did not read the registry. Not even you would do something that idiotic...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 6600 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Eastern Plaguelands

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