OLD Timbermaw Ally - Quêtes

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  • Level: 48
  • Required Level: 48
  • Difficulté : 48 51 55
  • Faction: Alliance

OLD Timbermaw Ally

Grazle wants you to prove yourself by killing 5 Deadwood Warriors, 5 Deadwood Pathfinders, and 5 Deadwood Gardeners.
Deadwood Warrior (5) killed
Deadwood Pathfinder (5) killed
Deadwood Gardener (5) killed


The Timbermaw are the only furbolg tribe to escape the corruption. However, many other races kill furbolg blindly now, without bothering to see if they are friend or foe. For this reason, the Timbermaw furbolg trust very few.

Are you interested in proving yourself? Drive back the corrupted Deadwood tribe of Felwood and we may one day consider you an ally. You'll find the first Deadwood tribe - warriors, pathfinders and gardeners - to my west.


We suffer much from the events of the past. Thank you for what you have done to help protect the Timbermaw.

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