In Dreams - Quêtes

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In Dreams

Escort Taelan Fordring out of Hearthglen.


For so long, I have been a puppet of the Grand Crusader. What reason was there to fight against what the Scarlet Crusade had become? It has been decades, yet the memories of my father; those precious memories, they are what have kept me alive.

I have dreams, stranger. In these dreams my father is with me. He stands proudly at my side as I am inducted into the Order. We battle legion of Scourge, side by side. We bring honor to the Alliance, to Lordaeron.

I want not to dream anymore.

Take me to him.


The death of my son at the hands of these monsters will not pass without incident. Take solace in knowing that the Order is reborn.

I now take my place as Highlord of the new Order of the Silver Hand.

These possessions of my past - they are all that I have to offer for all that you have done. Please, take these as a symbol of my gratitude; all have served me well over the years.

May we meet again, in better times, and reminisce of days long past... battles hard fought... dreams redeemed.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 10900 experience.
This quest starts at Western Plaguelands

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