Gizelton Caravan - Quêtes

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Gizelton Caravan

Escort the Gizelton Caravan through Mannoroc Coven. Talk with Smeed at Scrabblescrew's Camp for your reward.


You look like a capable <race>. Perhaps you're looking to make some money? Cork and I started this caravan to make a bundle of money; little did we know the dangers of turning a buck!

Up ahead is Mannoroc Coven... normally the demons ignore us but something has the kodos spooked this time. I'll pay you to protect the caravan past Mannoroc Coven. Once we are safely past you can receive your reward from our business associate Smeed at Scrabblescrew's Camp.


Not sure it's a prosperous proposition to be paying so much money to protect the Gizelton Caravan. Cork and Rigger only make one gold piece a week, but as long as they keep paying for my kodos I can care less how they run their business.


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The entirety of this quest happens at Desolace

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