Message in a Bottle - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 45
  • Required Level: 45
  • Difficulté : 45 48 52
  • Faction: Alliance & Horde
  • End: Princess Poobah


Message in a Bottle

Find the author of the message in a bottle.


The note reads, in fairly good handwriting:

To any that can aid me-

Please, my need for help is dire. A great Skymane holds me captive on an island in the South Seas.

The stars at night are foreign to me and obscured by the jungle trees, but on the clearest days I see Wild Shore to the northwest, and what seem to be large sailing ships to the southwest.

I beg of you, my would-be savior, please help me.


Have you come to free me?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2900 experience.
This quest ends at Stranglethorn Vale

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