Calling in the Reserves - Quêtes

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Calling in the Reserves

Maggran wishes you to deliver a letter to Grish Longrunner at the Great Lift in the Barrens.


The Horde does well keeping our troops fresh... since the Great War we have been prosperous here in Kalimdor.

I need you to do me a favor, I have a lad by the name of Grish Longrunner protecting the Great Lift in the southern barrens. Give him this letter; the letter will let him know that I have a reserve warrior coming to relieve him of duty so that he can visit his family. He requested this sometime ago and he would be happy to hear the news.


This is great news; I have been sitting here guarding this hunk of wood for too long. Now I can spend some time with my family... Yippee!
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest starts at Stonetalon Mountains and ends at Thousand Needles

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