Of Love and Family - Quêtes

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Of Love and Family

Travel to Stratholme, in the northern part of the Plaguelands. It is in the Scarlet Bastion that you will find the painting 'Of Love and Family,' hidden behind another painting depicting the twin moons of our world.

Return the painting to Tirion Fordring.


The painting... It hung on the wall of my workshop - inside the Order's barracks - for years.

After Tirion's trial was over, I knew that I could no longer keep the painting visible. I hid it in a place that they would never think to look.

Travel to Stratholme and make your way deep inside what is now the Scarlet Bastion, search for a painting of our twin moons. Chip away at the paint until you uncover my master work, 'Of Love and Family.'

May the Light guide your actions.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 6600 experience.
This quest starts at Western Plaguelands and ends at Eastern Plaguelands

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