Bodyguard for Hire - Quêtes

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Bodyguard for Hire

Escort the Gizelton Caravan past the Kolkar Centaur village. Talk with Smeed at Scrabblescrew's Camp for your reward.


Under normal circumstances, Rigger and I would lead our kodo past the Kolkar Centaur. Every now and then we hear the Centaur war drums, and when we hear those we stop. It's not good for business to be dead!

I'll tell you what <class>, if you protect us past the Kolkar village we'll make it worth your while.

It's just a short distance, all you need to do is keep the caravan intact and you can pick up your reward from Smeed Scrabblescrew - he is down the road a bit. We do a little business together.


You know, it doesn't seem prosperous to be paying the likes of you to guard Gizelton Caravan. <class>, if I were a bit taller I could take on a second job and sit kodo-side-saddle with the biggest gun my hands could carry... and I'd show them blasted centaur who's their papa.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Desolace

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