Araj's Scarab - Quêtes

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Finish this quest will unlock

Araj's Scarab

Destroy Araj the Summoner and bring Araj's Scarab to Alchemist Arbington at Chillwind Point, Western Plaguelands.


Araj the Summoner lords over Andorhal from the ruined city's heart. We know that he was the former leader of Scholomance before claiming the city as his own. To finish the key, we will need his signet - called a scarab - mounted as the head of the key.

Make your way into the heart of Andorhal, and break his hold on the city now that he is drawn into the open. Once destroyed, seize his scarab from his fallen phylactery!

The Key to Scholomance awaits, <name>!


Yes, this is it! I... again, I'm absolutely amazed at the depths of your cunning and bravery. It simply boggles the mind the lengths you are willing to go in order achieve victory.

Allow me now to play my small part in this. I've prepared a special solvent that should allow me to secure the scarab on as the head of the key, infusing it with the power to breech the locked door of Scholomance.

This should take just a moment...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4950 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Western Plaguelands

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