Mold Rhymes With... - Quêtes

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Mold Rhymes With...

Bring the Imbued Skeletal Fragments and 15 gold coins to Krinkle Goodsteel in Gadgetzan.


The goblin you will need to speak with is Krinkle Goodsteel. He peddles his skills to the highest bidder in Gadgetzan, within the Tanaris desert. He'll likely be the only one who can produce the mold we need, and his services won't come cheap. We now ask for you to dig deep by footing whatever fee he will charge.

I'm an alchemist, not a banker. If I had gold lying around, I certainly wouldn't be here.

I guess I said the quiet part out loud again. Oops.

Gadgetzan awaits you! Good luck!


Arbington said you'd deliver the goods, and deliver you have! A deal is a deal; let me pack the fragments into the mold for you.

Did Arbington imbue them already? Excellent... otherwise, it would have been a long trip back to the Chillwind Point for you.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 600 experience.
This quest starts at Western Plaguelands and ends at Tanaris

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