Skeletal Fragments - Quêtes

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Skeletal Fragments

Bring 15 Skeletal Fragments to Alchemist Arbington at Chillwind Point, Western Plaguelands.


The key to Scholomance is called a Skeleton Key. It must be forged from the remains of a skeleton - several actually - and hardened by only the strongest of metals within a suitable mold. A signet of power from a being who naturally can open the portal to Scholomance will make the key ultimately function.

First thing's first though, <name>. We'll need skeletal fragments for the key's forging. Skeletons inside Andorhal should yield what we need, but the ones outside the walls might work too.


This'll work, <name>! My turn now - I will imbue these with a suitable temper that will allow them to survive the intense forging process they will eventually go through.

The next step will be to get an appropriate mold for the key. I know a goblin blacksmith in Tanaris that has in the past made molds for similarly macabre items. He works for whom goblins usually work for - the highest bidder.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4500 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Western Plaguelands

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