A Land Filled with Hatred - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 47
  • Required Level: 45
  • Difficulté : 45 50 53
  • Faction: Alliance & Horde
  • Start: Loh'atu
  • End: Loh'atu

A Land Filled with Hatred

Kill 6 Haldarr Satyr, 2 Haldarr Tricksters, 2 Haldarr Felsworn and then return to Loh'atu on the border of Ashenvale.
Haldarr Satyr (6) killed
Haldarr Trickster (2) killed
Haldarr Felsworn (2) killed


The satyr, a disfigured, evil aspect of the night elves, now infect the sacred lands once traveled by Cenarius. I cannot speak for the night elves when it comes to all the atrocities those demonic creatures have committed, but I have sworn an oath to the Earthmother to aid the elves in ridding the land of such a nuisance.

I am sure you would prove yourself if you aided me in purging them.

Northeast of here, you can find the Haldarr clan. Return to me after you've tested yourself against their power.


Well done, <class>. I see you're not only skilled but cunning. To defeat such creatures is a testament to your loyalty to the tenants of the Earthmother, even if you do not recognize her as your own deity. She is in all things on this planet and beyond. Her eyes, one dark and one light, travel across the skies always gazing down upon us.

Please, take this small amount of coin in appreciation for what you have done.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4200 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Azshara

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