Scholomance - Quêtes

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Speak with Alchemist Arbington at Chillwind Point, Western Plaguelands.


On the island of Caer Darrow lies Scholomance - a wretched center of Scourge necromancy and evil. Our enemy dwells within, conducting unspeakable acts of depravity on unwitting victims... at least, we surmise as much. A door bars the way, and try as we might no entry is to be had without a proper key.

Alchemist Arbington is well versed on Scholomance, and has an idea how to obtain a key. You have proved your worth to me, and now I entrust this task to you. Speak with him on this matter.


Well met, <class>. I've dedicated a fair portion of my recent studies to the Scholomance, and I believe I know a means by which you can acquire a key... one that will let you past the front door.

I can only imagine what horrid sights are to be seen inside, <name>. I don't know how you heroic types do it sometimes...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 550 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Western Plaguelands

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