Menethil's Gift - Quêtes

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Menethil's Gift

Travel to Stratholme and find Menethil's Gift. Place the Keepsake of Remembrance upon the unholy ground.


I watched as the human, Ras Frostwhisper, pledged his undying soul to the Lich King. He drew the dagger to his own throat and with a smile, cut from ear to ear. His body collapsed inside the borders of the pentagram. The Lich King stood over the fallen mage and with a single motion, Ras Frostwhisper the lich, was born.

Yes, <race>, I remember. What you seek has a name - Menethil's Gift: The ground blessed by the Lich King - holy ground to Scourge.


You place the keepsake on the tainted soil.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 6600 experience.
This quest starts at Eastern Plaguelands

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