The Human, Ras Frostwhisper - Quêtes

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The Human, Ras Frostwhisper

Travel to the Arathi Highlands, to the ruins of Stromgarde. Search Stromgarde for a Keepsake of Remembrance. If you find such an item, return with it to Magistrate Marduke.


The undead fear life just as the living fear death. It is not unusual for a sentient undead being to completely destroy all remnants of his or her previous life after having turned.

Unfortunately, in order to create an artifact capable of reverting Ras Frostwhisper to a mortal, we must have a keepsake from his years among the living.

You must venture to the ruined city of Stromgarde, Frostwhisper's home, and search for such an item. May luck be with you, <name>.


I had doubted the possibility of such an item existing. This certainly opens up an incredible opportunity - one we must not squander.

Prepare yourself, <name>, for what I am about to ask of you will take you into the depths of hell.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 6600 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Western Plaguelands

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