The Remains of Trey Lightforge - Quêtes

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The Remains of Trey Lightforge

Return the Remains of Trey Lightforge to Jessir Moonbow in Felwood.


You pick up the sack carefully and prepare to make your way back to Jessir Moonbow on the border of Felwood and Ashenvale. Hopefully the paladin will be given the proper respects once you've passed his remains on to his friends.


You've done it! Praise be to Elune and whichever powers you worshihp, <name>. You have done an honorable and noble thing this day. I am certain Arko'narin will be pleased that you not only took the time to save her, but to also slay the creature who tortured one of her best friends.

I wish I could do more for you, but please, take this.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 7550 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Felwood

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