Family Tree - Quêtes

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Family Tree

Deliver Cliffwatcher Longhorn Report to Nataka Longhorn at Ghost Walker Post in Desolace.


My brother Nataka is stationed at Ghost Walker Post over in Desolace. I'd like to ask you... could you give this report to him for me? A year has passed since the last time I wrote, there has been unusual centaur activity since then and he should be informed.

Journey to Stonetalon Mountain north of the Crossroads, and then head west into Charred Vale. From there, head south into Desolace; there you will find a road going south to Ghost Walker Post.


I know not what connection you have with my brother but it would seem he has trust with you, <class>.

I am Nataka Longhorn and would like to welcome you to Ghost Walker Post, we have many needs of a <class>! Talk with others, perhaps there is need of you here.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest starts at Thousand Needles and ends at Desolace

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