The Sleeper Has Awakened - Quêtes

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The Sleeper Has Awakened

Escort Kerlonian Evershade to Liladris Moonriver at Maestra's Post in Ashenvale.


I was on my way to Maestra's Post to meet Liladris Moonriver, but I decided to stop here and take a short nap. Ever since I awoke from the emerald dream, I have been so sleepy...

Would you mind showing me the way? I understand that Maestra's Post is south of here, along the road in Ashenvale. It can be dangerous, so I hope you have some friends that will join us.

Lastly, I may fall asleep so if you ever need to wake me, please use my horn. You'll find it in the chest here.


Oh, I am so happy Kerlonian made it! And I'm sure I'll find him sleeping somewhere around here, won't I?

Thank you for showing him the way, <name>.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1550 experience.
  • 250 reputation with Darnassus
This quest starts at Darkshore and ends at Ashenvale

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