Battle of Hillsbrad - Quêtes

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Battle of Hillsbrad

Kill 6 Hillsbrad Farmhands, 6 Hillsbrad Farmers, Farmer Ray and Farmer Getz and report back to Darthalia in Tarren Mill.
Hillsbrad Farmer (6) killed
Hillsbrad Farmhand (6) killed
Farmer Ray killed
Farmer Getz killed


Stand at attention while addressing me, <class>.

I am under direct command of Varimathras. We are to quell the human infestation until our apothecaries can develop the new plague.

Our information leads us to believe that the town of Hillsbrad is vulnerable to attack. Your first assignment is aimed at disrupting their food supply and infrastructure.

Travel west. Raid the northernmost farms of Hillsbrad Fields. Make sure that the landowners, Farmer Ray and Farmer Getz, are executed as well.


At ease, <class>. I see you have returned from battle. My sources tell me you performed well on the Hillsbrad front.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1950 experience.
  • 250 reputation with Undercity
The entirety of this quest happens at Hillsbrad Foothills

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