Uncle Carlin - Quêtes

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Uncle Carlin

Find Carlin Redpath.


Sometimes, when it's nighttime, I can hear my Uncle Carlin crying. It sounds like he's far away, to the east.

I hope he's not crying for me! <name>, will you find my uncle and tell him I'm alright?

If you find him say I'm waiting for him, and I want to hear the story he used to tell... the one about the rabbits and the berry jam! That story's so funny!


You've seen Pamela? She's alive?

She's dead? No! Oh, Pamela! Why does your spirit still suffer in this world. Why are you perished, while fortune keeps me alive? In an instant I would switch places with you and wander dead Darrowshire, a ghost and alone!

Ah, but this news cannot change fate. Thank you, <name>. Now my duty, my duty to revenge, burns hot as ever.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 2900 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Eastern Plaguelands

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