Return to the Bulwark - Quêtes

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Finish this quest will unlock

Return to the Bulwark

Bring the Filled Gahrron's Withering Bottle to Shadow Priestess Vandis at the Bulwark, Western Plaguelands.


You carefully close the spigot in the control panel, watching the cauldron's putrid ichors drip into the empty bottle.

With the poison in hand, it is time to return to Shadow Priestess Vandis at the Bulwark to complete the mission.


Congratulations <name>, you've unlocked the last cauldron for us! Apothecary Dithers will soon know what this cauldron requires as far as reagents needed for the mix.

As for you, I am sure that High Executor Derrington will want to thank you personally for the assistance you've given us. Without you, our struggle against the Scourge would have been nearly insurmountable. I thank you, mighty <class>.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest ends at Tirisfal Glades

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