Baron's Demise - Quêtes

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Baron's Demise

Bring the Head of Baron Vardus to Magistrate Maleb in Southshore.


The contract you recovered was signed by Baron Vardus, a noble of the former kingdom of Alterac, and one known for a cold heart and brutal practices. I'm not surprised someone like the Baron was behind this.

Find this man. Find him, and bring him to justice. He must be among the Syndicate haunts - perhaps at the ruins of Strahnbrad, or perhaps within the valley north of them.


Thank you, <name>. My head rests a little easier, knowing that villain lost his.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 3900 experience.
  • 250 reputation with Stormwind
The entirety of this quest happens at Hillsbrad Foothills

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