Defenders of Darrowshire - Quêtes

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Defenders of Darrowshire

Free 15 Darrowshire Spirits and return to Carlin Redpath.
Darrowshire Spirit (15) killed


Many of the defenders fell at the battle of Darrowshire. And many roam again as the ghastly servants of the Scourge! Find these poor souls and end their misery!

Hunt cannibal ghouls, gibbering ghouls and diseased flayers. Many of these fiends were once the good folk of Darrowshire and destroying their forms now will set their souls free.

You will find them in Plaguewood and Corin's Crossing, and in other Scourge strongholds of Eastern Plaguelands.


It is good to hear you found the tortured souls of my brethren and freed them. My heart will weep less, knowing at least some of the defenders of Darrowshire no longer wallow in the vile subservience of the Scourge.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 5650 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Eastern Plaguelands

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