Rescue From Jaedenar - Quêtes

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Rescue From Jaedenar

Escort Arko'narin to where Lightforge and her equipment are being held, and then protect her as you escape Shadow Hold. Afterwards, seek out Jessir Moonbow in Felwood to let her know what's happened to her friends.


But, as much as it pains me, there is one thing that must be done first: I have to find Trey's sword Lightforge and escape Shadow Hold to tell my superiors what's happening here. Can you help me, <name>?

Our equipment isn't far from here, and you've already proven you can survive the path to the top.

After we escape, I'll head to Darnassus if you can find my friend Jessir near the Ashenvale border. She was to meet us at the Emerald Circle's camp near there.

What do you say, <name>? Can you help me again?


You were the one who helped Arko escape? I'm so glad you found me. She passed by here not too long ago on her way to Darnassus. She had Lightforge in tow and wouldn't even take time to speak to the druids to be healed. She said it was far too urgent.

But she did tell me about your encounter with Trey's spirit. What a terrible fate for a Knight of the Silver Hand. She didn't show it, but I know it's tearing her up inside, the thought of losing one of her closest friends.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 5650 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Felwood

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