Are We There, Yeti? - Quêtes

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Finish this quest will unlock

Are We There, Yeti?

Take Umi's Mechanical Yeti and scare her friends with it:

Legacki in Everlook (Winterspring)
Sprinkle in Gadgetzan (Tanaris)
Quixxil in Marshal's Refuge (Un'Goro Crater)

When you are done, bring the Mechanical Yeti back to Umi.
Legacki killed
Sprinkle killed
Quixxil killed


It's all ready, <name>!

Now, I sent some mail to my friends already, telling them that I have a surprise for them. This is where you come in!

I'm going to give you my mechanical yeti, and you need to surprise them by paying each of my friends a visit, turning the yeti on and sending it towards them.

Once you have shown Legacki in Everlook, Sprinkle in Gadgetzan, and Quixxil in Marshal's Refuge, come back and tell me what happened!

Please bring my yeti back to me then, too.


Hah! They'll think twice before making fun of my ideas again!

Thanks for your help, <name>. I couldn't have had so much fun without you!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 7750 experience.
  • 350 reputation with Everlook
The entirety of this quest happens at Winterspring

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