Elixir of Agony - Quêtes

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Elixir of Agony

Take the Mudsnout Composite to Master Apothecary Faranell in the Undercity.


Just when I thought another day was going to pass devoid of any joy, you brought me those marvelous Mudsnout Blossoms.

First I will mix them down into a fine composite. We'll then need Master Apothecary Faranell in the Undercity to apply his colloid of decay to it and then we'll be ready for some good fun indeed!

Here, take this Mudsnout Composite and run it off to Master Faranell at once, <name>.


Apothecary Lydon sent you? Ah, why didn't you say so!

Despite his gloomy disposition, Apothecary Lydon is one of our most dedicated and skilled members.

The good chap sends Mudsnout Composite! I know what our friend in Hillsbrad is up to now. And I like the way he thinks. The Dark Lady would be most impressed with the progress he is making toward the new plague.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1150 experience.
  • 75 reputation with Undercity
This quest starts at Hillsbrad Foothills and ends at Undercity

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