Fiery Plate Gauntlets - Quêtes

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Fiery Plate Gauntlets

Bring Malyfous Darkhammer 6 Enchanted Thorium Bars, 2 Essence of Fire, and 4 Star Rubies. You will also need to turn in your Unfired Plate Gauntlets.


By Thaurissan's beard!

Where did you find them?

More importantly, are you willing to part with them? Naturally, I would pay you for such a noble gesture.

I'll tell you what, <name>. If you give me those unfired gauntlets, I will teach you how to make a set all your own. All you need to do is collect the parts for me so that I may narrow down the exact recipe.

Do we have a deal??

Here's the list of what I need, I'll front the non-enchanted thorium myself since you're supplying the gauntlets.


As promised, <name>, here's your recipe! I'm also going to throw in a little something extra for all of your hard work and dedication. What am I going to do with these anyway???
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 8300 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Winterspring

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