Grimtotem Spying - Quêtes

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Grimtotem Spying

Locate and retrieve the three Secret Notes in Darkcloud Pinnacle.


<name>, you have served us well in the past, so I now entrust to you an important mission. The Grimtotem Clan is up to something secretive. Three agents of unknown origin were seen visiting the Grimtotem over the recent weeks. We discovered that separate chests in Darkcloud Pinnacle hold these guarded messages.

<name>, if you succeed in this dangerous mission, I will reward you in kind.


Great Spirit Totem! This is dire news indeed. I must begin to plan for whatever may come.

<name>, as promised, here is your reward for your brave service.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Thousand Needles

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