Shy-Rotam - Quêtes

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Storm Shadowhoof at Everlook in Winterspring wants you to defeat Shy-Rotam.
Shy-Rotam killed


In northern Winterspring, great cats assemble around a large landmark called Frostsaber Rock. The leader of these cats is known by the name Shy-Rotam. Defeating the matriarch of the frostsabers would grant you much respect in the eyes of your fellow <race>.

Go again to the harsh wilds, and once there, gather sacred meat from the frostsabers. Find the stone of Shy-Rotam, and place it there. Placing the meat of her kin before her will summon Shy-Rotam, in anger.

Be ready for her fury, and defeat her.


You have proven both your strength and your determination. Many more challenges await you, but I have already shown you as much as I am able.

Good luck, <name>.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 8300 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Winterspring

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