A New Plague - Quêtes

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A New Plague

Bring Johaan's Special Drink to the Captured Mountaineer.


According to the Deathguard, another one of those foolish Dwarven Mountaineers has just been captured. The Deathguard likes to use the cellar of the Gallows End Tavern as a holding cell until prisoners can be "properly" dealt with.

Why don't you go see how the Captured Mountaineer enjoys this special drink I made for him? It contains a subtle hint of what The Dark Lady has planned for the rest of Azeroth.


Ah, a drink at last. I'm sure it's no Rhapsody Malt but I'll take anything to whet the old whistle at this point.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 875 experience.
  • 250 reputation with Undercity
The entirety of this quest happens at Tirisfal Glades

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