Alien Egg - Quêtes

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Alien Egg

Return the Alien Egg to Hagar Lightninghoof in Freewind Post.


A rumor has surfaced about an alien egg here in Thousand Needles. Those that report seeing this egg have failed to even get close enough to examine it in detail. Serpents guard the egg as if it's one of their own.

I want you to seek out this alien egg and bring it to me so that I may examine it. Reports say the egg is located within a serpent den, but there are several serpent dens along the base of the cliff walls south and northeast of Freewind Post.


Yes, finally... the mysterious egg has finally been delivered to me. Now, let me take a closer look at this... What..! What is this..?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Thousand Needles

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